
Which Of The Following Sentences Demonstrates Conversational Business Writing?

In which of the following cases can a formal style of writing be avoided? A) When communicating with a person you know, such as a co-worker B) When communicating with someone at a higher level than you C) When writing a ceremonial message D) When writing an official reprimand E) When writing a crisis response 2
Which of the following sentences uses the most conversational phrasing? A) Please refer to our May 7 email in which we explain how to file a claim. B) In reply to your January 13 letter, please be informed that your adherence to instructions outlined therein will greatly facilitate the attainment of our objective. C) Enclosed herewith is the brochure about which you had made an inquiry. D) I shall be most pleased to avail myself of your kind suggestion when and if prices decline. E) This is to acknowledge the receipt of your report. 3
The you-viewpoint: A) should typically be avoided in a business communication. B) emphasizes the writer's perspective. C) builds goodwill in written messages. D) places the writer at the center of things. E) should be avoided when delivering bad-news messages. 4
Which of the following statements best illustrates the you-viewpoint? A) Your new charge account is now open for your convenience. B) We are delighted to announce our company's financial gain for the last fiscal year. C) I have seen that your credit is weak, so we can sell to you on a cash-only basis. D) I am happy to report that your proposal was accepted. E) We would require your assistance in the near future. 5
Negative language: A) has more emotional associations than positive language. B) may stir up your reader's resistance to your goals. C) has no place in business writing. D) tends to be effective in maintaining goodwill. E) tends to put the reader in the right frame of mind. 6
Which of the following sentences best illustrates a positively written message? A) You failed to give us the fabric specifications of the chair you ordered. B) We regret that we cannot take back the scratched table. C) For your convenience, we can exchange the merchandise within seven days of the purchase date. D) Smoking is not permitted here. E) We cannot take your order today. 7
Which of the following techniques would demonstrate courtesy in your message? A) Avoiding the you-viewpoint B) Employing the we-viewpoint C) Choosing positive words D) Adopting a preaching tone E) Using stock phrases 8
Which of the following statements is true about preaching in business messages? A) A preaching tone usually occurs when the writer is trying to convince the reader of something. B) A preaching tone is most appropriate when writing to someone at a higher level than you. C) A preaching tone suggests equal writer–reader relations. D) A preaching tone can be avoided by including elementary information. E) A preaching tone should be used to lend a courteous effect to documents. 9
Which of the following is most likely to emphasize the positive and deemphasize the negative in a message? A) Omitting the positive points from the ending B) Putting the positive points in beginning C) Putting negative points at the end D) Putting the positive points in the middle E) Omitting the negative points from the middle 10
Which of the following sentences best illustrates a positively written message? A) You failed to pay your debt on time. B) We regret that we cannot provide you with a replacement for your car. C) We might have to make some adjustments given your low credit points. D) Smoking is not permitted here. E) We are fully booked for the weekend and cannot reserve a table for you.

Which Of The Following Sentences Demonstrates Conversational Business Writing?


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