
app prototype design tool free

Prototyping features

Prototype while you design, and vice versa

Bring your ideas to life in animated prototypes. Test concepts earlier and more often. Create a better blueprint for development.

Create prototypes that feel like the real experience

Turn your static design files into an interactive experience—no coding required.

  • Intuitive build: Simply connect UI elements and choose your interactions and animations.
  • Interactions: Define subtle interactions, like on click, while hovering, while pressing a button, and more.
  • Mobile-optimized: Details like device frames and momentum scrolling make your prototypes feel like the real experience.

Show, don't tell your interaction vision

Take the guesswork out of development by spelling out the interaction details you envision.

  • Advanced transitions with Smart Animate: Automagically animate similar objects and create detailed transitions.
  • Dynamic overlays: Create multiple layers of interactive content overlays.
  • Animated GIFs: Use GIFs to represent motion designs, video elements, and subtle animations.

We run a really fast design process. We're constantly building, testing, and iterating. Being able to pull together a prototype in Figma so quickly and easily is massive for us.

Beth Horne, Senior User Researcher at Bulb

Do it all in one single tool

No more jumping between tools. Design, prototype, share, and collect feedback all in Figma.

  • All-in-one platform: Toggle between your design file and live prototype. Design edits appear instantly in your prototype.
  • Shareable prototype: Share a link to your prototype. View it anywhere with Internet.
  • Embedded commenting: Comment in a prototype. They carry over into the design file—so nothing gets lost.

Other ways to use Figma prototypes

Observe a test subject in research sessions

Interact with live prototypes in Notion or Dropbox

Create presentation slides to pitch your work

Integrate with third-party prototyping tools

See how Figma can help you design from start to finish

app prototype design tool free


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